june 6, 2019 / the last time that I posted to my Instagram account It has now officially been 383 days since I wrote my last post on Instagram, sharing my (possibly temporary or possibly permanent) goodbyes. And as we all know, it wasn’t the first time that I had broken up with Instagram. As […]
The Good Ol’ Days + Summer Essentials

Every Summer for as long as I can remember, my parents would sign us up for swim lessons at our community pool. And although I wasn’t crazy about taking the actual lessons or having to perform the final swim test, I did love being able to spend the entire day at the pool. In the […]
Our Little Bubble

Saturday / just the beginning of another sunny + beautiful day Much like most people’s lives, our life has been pretty quiet lately. Really quiet in fact. But like most things in life, with time you are often able to adjust to what at first might feel challenging, different, or even uncomfortable. And for us, […]
Finding the Words + My Recent Distractions

This year has brought a lot of ups and downs. And on some days (or even most days) it has felt like more downs than ups. The pandemic and the lockdown that we have all faced has brought with it so many different life challenges. And just when it felt like we were maybe starting […]
My Cocokind Routine

The cat is out of the bag. You guys officially know that I am seriously obsessed (along with the hubby) with all things Cocokind. I can honestly say that there is absolutely not one single Cocokind product that I couldn’t recommend to you with the most glowing of reviews. Especially considering that I’ve practically tried […]
This Week 3 Years Ago: Nice, France

the beautiful coastline of the Côte d’Azur May 31, 2017 Today was our first full day in Nice. We arrived by train yesterday afternoon from Milan, and by the time that we had made it to our hotel and got settled, the day was mostly behind us. So being that we were in France, and […]
Why We Buy Organic

It all began with GMO. I can’t remember if I had heard something from someone, or read something somewhere. But either way, one day out of the blue I just knew that I didn’t want to buy any more genetically modified foods, or foods that contained a long list of “ingredients.” Nope, no more science […]
So I Took Last Week Off

As I sat on our bed last Tuesday morning and meditated, my mind seemed to be buzzing more than usual. At first it was the same things that normally arise for me – thinking about how beautiful the cool morning air felt, remembering about something that I wanted to pencil into my planner, and thinking […]
This Week Two Years Ago: Lucca + Florence

the view of Lucca from the Torre Guinigi May 16, 2018 / inspired by my time in Lucca: La Vita Lucchese Life in Lucca has been pretty magical. This is my first time visiting this small Tuscan town, and the best way that I can describe it, is that it feels like a tinier and […]
Daily Gratitude, Shakshuka, Travel + More

If you run a Google search for the terms “daily gratitude,” you will find yourself with a plethora of articles from news sources, famous thinkers, innovators, inventors, speakers, excerpts from books, and from people just like me. And we are all basically sharing the same idea – expressing gratitude on a daily basis is insanely […]