It’s hard to believe that for three quarters of this year we have been in some sort of lockdown. And that after many months of what felt like baby steps towards progress and reopening, that here in California we are basically back to square one with our emergency stay at home orders. To say that […]
Forest Bathing in Hawthorne Hills

There was not another car in sight. It was just going to be us and the trees. Immediately I let out a huge sigh of relief. I looked over at Ryan and smiled, knowing that he knew exactly what was on my mind. For us city dwellers, it feels like a small victory that we […]
Our Country Walks

Aside from the obvious of just spending time with my family, one of our favorite things to do when we visit my parents, is to take long walks through the beautiful countryside surrounding their home. Just simply being surrounded by exactly what I grew up with – the lush green, the endless rows of trees, […]
So We Went Home

You’re probably noticing that I’ve been a bit absent here on the blog for the past two weeks. And really, it’s because I have been. After a very large amount of deliberation (emphasis on the very), Ryan and I made the last minute decision last week to head home to see my parents. It honestly […]
A Fall State of Mind

It’s finally September, and yes, I do realize that Fall doesn’t officially begin for another three weeks, but I’ve already embraced a Fall state of mind. I think that we’ve all been looking for ways to feel uplifted and excited about something in life for the better part of this year, and for me, this […]
A Walk in the Park

On any given day, you can find us walking or running along the ocean. And as much as I absolutely love living so close to the water, and being able to hear the waves crash, and smell that salty air. . .sometimes you just need a little greenery in your life. And yesterday morning was […]
Life Is a Balancing Act

My Mom always used to say to me that life is a balancing act. In fact, it is still something that I hear from her from time to time. And she’s spot on, because life really is a balancing act. And lately, I don’t want to say that life has been out of balance, but […]
Lucky No. 13

Yesterday Ryan and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. And really, it still kind of feels like just yesterday that we met during my first week of college and practically fell in love at first sight. Somehow we don’t feel old enough to already be celebrating 13 years of marriage. But here we are, still […]
Tips for Keeping a Positive Perspective

I’ve been reflecting more on how the news is affecting our lives. And what I’ve started to notice, is that it seems like a lot of people’s perspectives and energy has become dependent on what kind of news that they are experiencing. For example, if there is positive news, then life will most likely feel […]
Daily Joy Despite it All

The news has been daunting for the past four months. I feel this way, and I don’t even watch the news. Nope, we both solely rely on reading the news because we find it to be such a calmer experience. And even though our continued choice has definitely helped us to keep a “take everything […]