You’re probably noticing that I’ve been a bit absent here on the blog for the past two weeks. And really, it’s because I have been. After a very large amount of deliberation (emphasis on the very), Ryan and I made the last minute decision last week to head home to see my parents. It honestly […]
Fall Travel Ants in My Pants

the most beautiful Fall leaves in Boston / November 2019 The air is definitely not starting to have any hints of Fall here in San Diego. But I all too well know and remember that things are starting to change elsewhere. Having (mostly) patiently waited out the pandemic (which is sadly still very much ongoing), […]
Life Is a Balancing Act

My Mom always used to say to me that life is a balancing act. In fact, it is still something that I hear from her from time to time. And she’s spot on, because life really is a balancing act. And lately, I don’t want to say that life has been out of balance, but […]
Tips for Keeping a Positive Perspective

I’ve been reflecting more on how the news is affecting our lives. And what I’ve started to notice, is that it seems like a lot of people’s perspectives and energy has become dependent on what kind of news that they are experiencing. For example, if there is positive news, then life will most likely feel […]
I’m a Little Bit Country

our typical early morning beach walk view As much as I feel like I’m a city girl through and through, and even though we will most likely always live in a big city because of the nature of Ryan’s work, I’m definitely a little bit country too. I’m not sure if what I grew up […]
Daily Joy Despite it All

The news has been daunting for the past four months. I feel this way, and I don’t even watch the news. Nope, we both solely rely on reading the news because we find it to be such a calmer experience. And even though our continued choice has definitely helped us to keep a “take everything […]
In a Nutshell

I was talking with a friend earlier in the week about our Fourth of July weekends, and I had asked her how the rest of theirs went. Her response was refreshingly honest, literally caused me to laugh out loud, and felt comforting. “Not really. . .” she said. As in, they didn’t really enjoy their […]
Coronavirus + Fear

Fear can take many forms, and it can be triggered by just about anything. But lately, or really for the past several months, it seems that the Coronavirus has instilled some level of fear into most of our lives. Fear about job security, about health, about family. Fear about the future, about travel, about resuming […]
Let’s All Do Our Part

It’s been 103 days since California became the first state to go on lock-down to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 (not that I’m counting or anything), and just a few short weeks now since things have started to re-open. Life has changed, that we can all agree on. And the only thing that I […]
Our Little Bubble

Saturday / just the beginning of another sunny + beautiful day Much like most people’s lives, our life has been pretty quiet lately. Really quiet in fact. But like most things in life, with time you are often able to adjust to what at first might feel challenging, different, or even uncomfortable. And for us, […]