the most beautiful field of corn along our morning walk
Saturday / Our days at home have mostly all been variations of the same. Long walks or runs in the morning, followed by endless games of Hand and Foot, way too much food, and always lots of Kopps custard. Today was no exception, except for the added joy of one last socially distanced outdoor gathering with my sister and her family. Because her kiddos are back in daycare, we felt like it was in our best interests to keep our distance. To say that it has been painful for me not to be able to smother these kids is putting it lightly. But getting to see them, and run around the yard with them was truly one of the highlights of our week.

Sunday / We just can’t seem to quit it. And no, I’m not talking about our nightly custard bar. (Although we can’t seem to quit that either.) I’m talking about Hand and Foot. My Aunt Chrissie taught it to my parents a few months ago, and they have been playing it everyday since. And now my parents have taught us, and I really don’t think that there is going to be any stopping us either. The only trouble is finding enough hours (yes, hours) in the day to play.

Monday / It was one last country walk for us this morning before my parents drove us down to O’Hare to catch our flight back to San Diego. Because of the pandemic, we hadn’t seen my parents or family since last Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving! And with the virus still in (what feels like) full swing, who knows when we will all be together next. So yes, goodbyes are always hard, but especially right now. But then just as we got up into the blue skies, my sadness seemed to pass, and my heart was filled with nothing but gratitude. Gratitude for our time together, and gratitude for all of our continued health. We are blessed beyond belief.

Tuesday / We haven’t even been home for 24 hours yet, and I am already getting busy in the kitchen. We lugged back way too many pounds of apples and pears from our all-time favorite fruit farm, Barthel’s, but it was so worth it! I could barely wait to make our first batch of applesauce and apple peels of the season. It may be 85 degrees out today, but with the air conditioning on and the smell of these apples cooking away, it feels exactly like Fall.

Wednesday / Seriously though, this weather almost feels a little bit insulting. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we have gorgeous weather in San Diego. We are seriously lucky, and we know it. But isn’t it supposed to be Fall in some sense? San Diego seems to be enjoying this whole Summer thing just a little too much for this Wisconsin girl. I love me some blue skies and palm trees, but I am seriously missing that brisk morning air and the turning of the leaves.

Thursday / Pizza has always been a part of our normal dinner rotation, but it has definitely been making more of an appearance during these past six months. And surprisingly, we have become almost solely a grilled pizza family. We used to always use the oven, but probably for the better part of a year now, we just can’t seem to get enough of the crunchy texture and the smoky flavor that we get on the grill. And when accompanied by my Dad’s Famous Caesar Salad, you’ve really got yourself quite the little dinner if I do say so myself.

Friday / Today I had the great pleasure of celebrating my birthday with Ryan. Each year he showers me with love (and delicious food), and this year was truly no exception. He wrote me several beautiful and heartfelt cards (truly the best gift that I could ever ask for). He cooked me an insanely delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner, and double desserts (yes, carrot and chocolate cake!). And he even planned for us to take a nice long walk along the beach. It was quiet, relaxing and perfect. The pandemic may have changed a lot of things about our daily life, but it will never be able to change the comfort that we find in each other’s company.
Happy Birthday Katie! I love you so much, and I am so honored to celebrate your birthday together with you! And the comfort that we find in each other’s company is such a beautiful gift each and every day!
Thank you so much babe <3 I couldn't agree with you more!