Saturday / So I woke up this morning and felt sort of down thinking about how quickly this month is already flying by. Probably to no one’s surprise, the list of traditions and things that we like to do to celebrate the Christmas season is pretty long – we’ve got the house decorations, the trimming of the tree, St. Nick, oodles of cookies to bake and decorate, movies to watch, ice skating, sledding, visiting Santa, visiting family and friends, holiday parties, sitting by the tree, sitting by the fire, roasting chestnuts – the list basically goes on and on. And while we completely love every second of it, the trouble is that it already feels like we are running out of time. So instead of getting stressed, we got baking. We made and baked my Grammy Joy’s sugar cookies (which will be iced tomorrow), and we also prepared the dough for my mother-in-law’s butter cookies (which will be decorated and baked tomorrow). One small step for Ryan and Katie, one giant leap for Christmas festivities.

Sunday / Today was the perfect day for decorating our sugar cookies. Normally our Sunday’s are a bit of a quieter day, and so what better way to relax and unwind then to decorate cookies for a couple of hours while watching Christmas movies and drinking eggnog? Yep, we are in full-on Christmas mode over here.

Monday / Having gotten a good chunk of our Christmas cookie baking taken care of over the weekend, today I spent the better part of the afternoon tackling a few other kitchen projects that I had been wanting to do – make some fresh pasta, a batch of my applesauce, and then of course my Mom’s oven-dried apple peels.
Tuesday / Today was a mixture of work and fun. I finally got up my blog post with the recipe and story behind our Homemade Natural Glass Cleaner. And then the hubby and I sat down and spent some time planning out our menus for the upcoming Holidays. We are actually staying in town for Christmas this year (our first time ever), and since we are both big foodies, it sparks a lot of joy for us to be in the kitchen cooking (and drinking wine).

Wednesday / Not a week goes by without me saying something along the lines of, “. . .what did we do before we had smartphones?” Granted, I’m pretty sure that neither one of us spends nearly as much time in front of a screen as the average person. But still, I am slightly bothered by the attachment that we (as a society) have to our phones and tablets. Well tonight I answered my own question. We used to play a lot more board games. So instead of flipping on another TV show, we brought out Ryan’s new favorite game, Guess Who? (Spoiler alert: I smoked him.) (Although in his defense I do have a few decades of practice up on him!) (And I also happened to come from a long line of competitive board gamers.)
Thursday / One of the ongoing jokes that I have with my brother, is that we basically eat pizza every night of the week. Truth be told we don’t. But for whatever reason, on the days that I talk with him, we almost always happen to be eating pizza for dinner. And today was no exception. I received a cheerful catch-up call from my brother, and you guessed it. . .pizza was on the menu. Frank Pepe’s Clam Pizza to be exact. (One of our absolute favorites.) And added bonus – the hubby both shopped and made dinner for us tonight!

Friday / I am slowly starting to get back in the proverbial saddle again over here. And even saying that feels like a bit of an overstatement. Today marked my second or third run in the past two weeks, and several months (more on that here). And it honestly felt pretty awful (again). But I do want to make a point not to wait until the New Year to start running again. Partially because I really do love running (sort of). But also because I am notoriously awful at following through on my New Year’s resolutions.
Your cookies are absolutely adorable!
Awwww, thank you so much Mary!