It’s true, I love nature and I love the great outdoors. Like really love it. I love going out for some fresh air, feeling the warm sun, a cool breeze, or even the first snowfall of the season. I love the beach and the sand, the water, tall grass, wildflowers and the forest. I really […]
the Adventures of Camping

Our day started out great. I woke up even earlier than our alarm was slated to go off, and that gave us a nice jump start on our driving for the day. With our head start, we were poised to reach the Bonito Campground in Flagstaff, Arizona by just a little past two o’clock. And […]
Forest Bathing in Hawthorne Hills

There was not another car in sight. It was just going to be us and the trees. Immediately I let out a huge sigh of relief. I looked over at Ryan and smiled, knowing that he knew exactly what was on my mind. For us city dwellers, it feels like a small victory that we […]
Traveling Home + Birthday Celebrations

the most beautiful field of corn along our morning walk Saturday / Our days at home have mostly all been variations of the same. Long walks or runs in the morning, followed by endless games of Hand and Foot, way too much food, and always lots of Kopps custard. Today was no exception, except for […]
Our Country Walks

Aside from the obvious of just spending time with my family, one of our favorite things to do when we visit my parents, is to take long walks through the beautiful countryside surrounding their home. Just simply being surrounded by exactly what I grew up with – the lush green, the endless rows of trees, […]
A Special Treat + the Small Things

Probably similar to most all of us right now, the days still seem to blend into the weeks, and even into the months. Have we really been in this pandemic and this quarantine lifestyle for almost six months now? Sadly we have been. Life is definitely still very different. Our weeks are far quieter than […]
A Fall State of Mind

It’s finally September, and yes, I do realize that Fall doesn’t officially begin for another three weeks, but I’ve already embraced a Fall state of mind. I think that we’ve all been looking for ways to feel uplifted and excited about something in life for the better part of this year, and for me, this […]
Dreaming of Disneyland

With Governor Newsom’s latest set of guidelines for the State of California announced and officially in effect, I can’t help but struggle with some feelings of disappointment. And I’m not suggesting that I don’t agree with his guidance for the State. Because in fact I do think that a slow reopening is probably our best […]
Fall Travel Ants in My Pants

the most beautiful Fall leaves in Boston / November 2019 The air is definitely not starting to have any hints of Fall here in San Diego. But I all too well know and remember that things are starting to change elsewhere. Having (mostly) patiently waited out the pandemic (which is sadly still very much ongoing), […]