I am a planner, a list-maker, an organizer, and basically a write-everything-down kind of girl. And for the better part of my adult life, I have completely relied on and loved using a planner. For one it keeps me organized. And that alone is enough for me to do just about anything. But also, using […]
this week’s highlights

Saturday / Our Saturdays are typically on the busy side, and a bit more work than play. So lately we’ve been making a point to keep our mornings more relaxed. For some people that means sleeping in, or hanging out at home in their pj’s while drinking coffee. But for us it means getting to […]
Organic City Gardening

I come from a family of gardeners and yard workers. My parents basically either know how to do everything yard related, or they figure it out. Their yard is their happy place. My Mom has always kept the most beautiful gardens, and my Dad has always kept the tidiest yard. My Mom mows the lawn, […]
Taking Some Time

The truth is that I probably started out this New Year just like most of us do. . .guns blazing, big ideas, big dreams, big goals. . .you know the drill. And then probably like a good chunk of people out there, things sort of petered out before they ever really began. For whatever reason, […]
this week’s highlights

Saturday / Maybe it’s because it has been several months since we’ve been to Europe, or maybe not. But whatever the reason is, lately I’ve been waking up craving that European lifestyle. The simplicity, the walking, the ease. Yep, pretty much every last bit of it. So in a bid to put my travel blues […]
this week’s highlights

Saturday / It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and we plan on holding onto this feeling (and our Christmas tree) for as long as possible. While I do normally lean towards neat and tidy, there is one thing that I really don’t like to clean up until it feels like I absolutely have […]
First We Dream

A few weeks ago my Mom reminded me of the wise words shared by Carl Sandburg, “nothing happens unless first we dream.” And since that moment, I really haven’t been able to get his words out of my head. First we dream. First we dream. I’ve always been a bit inclined to be a “goal […]
this week’s highlights

Saturday / So I woke up this morning and felt sort of down thinking about how quickly this month is already flying by. Probably to no one’s surprise, the list of traditions and things that we like to do to celebrate the Christmas season is pretty long – we’ve got the house decorations, the trimming […]
Homemade Natural Glass Cleaner

When it comes to cleaning solutions (and this is probably going to sound a bit silly), I have always had a thing for a good glass cleaner. And honestly, I probably unknowingly inherited this from my father. But the satisfaction of having something sparkle because it’s so clean really sparks joy for me. Yep, I […]
this week’s highlights

Saturday / Nope, the rain couldn’t keep us away from the farmer’s market this weekend. We’ve really hit a wet spell here in San Diego, and we are just two happy little clams over here splashing around town in our rain boots. Well actually, if you remember my story from last week, then you know […]