Last week Ryan and I traveled back to Wisconsin to spend the weekend with my family. To be honest, we were traveling home for some very sad reasons, but somehow being together as a family always seems to put a happy spin on things. There is just something about going home that really puts a […]

I am pretty sure that I say this with just about every recipe that I share with you, but honestly, this is one of my favorite recipes ever. And also a recipe that I would file under “Mom’s most famous.” Although I truly loved everything and anything that my Mom made for us growing up, […]

One of the most memorable meals that I had during my first stay in Montepulciano (obviously aside from literally everything that I ate), was a simple tomato bruschetta. I had just finished my Italian classes for the day, and I was wandering around town trying to figure out where to stop for lunch. I vaguely […]
Apple Picking

When Ryan and I lived back East, Fall would roll around and I would instantly be excited for the brisk weather, long walks around Boston enjoying all of the colorful trees, freezing our butts off at a pumpkin festival, going to King Richard’s Faire, and of course, the arrival of sweater weather. Now that we […]

When Ryan and I were first married, we often talked about the different family traditions that we each grew up with. I remember saying to him, “…so why do you eat pizza on Christmas Eve?” Well, one year his family decided to make pizza on Christmas Eve, and then they did it again the next […]
Today the blog turns three, and honestly it feels like just yesterday that I woke up and snuck into the office while Ryan was preparing me a special birthday breakfast, and I wrote my first blog post. But poof, here we are, three years and 271 blog posts later. And so it feels only fitting […]
Greek Potatoes

Before traveling to Greece, I don’t think that I had any clue that there was such a thing as “Greek Potatoes.” In fact, no, I definitely did not have any idea that I would come home from Greece craving their oh-so-savory Mediterranean style roasted potatoes. To our surprise, most restaurants in Greece tried to serve […]

There is something about this back to school time of year that really makes me miss Boston. Probably a little bit because it was when Ryan and I would have both just returned to the city for the new school year and were reunited (we both went to college in Boston), partially because Boston is […]
Best-Laid Plans

On Sunday we had a little bit of extra time on our hands, so I suggested to Ryan that we drive up the coast for the afternoon. I thought that it might be nice to enjoy some of the beach towns that we don’t normally visit. (But I was also secretly hoping to get some […]