So we basically had three hours. And even that was being a bit generous and optimistic. But really no matter how much time you have in Venice, my suggestion to you would always be the same – wander, eat good food, drink good wine, wander some more, linger while you wander, and leave happy. And […]
Clover Sonoma Organic Cream Cheese

So it sort of happened. Over time, but yeah it did. We sort of became “those” people. You know. . .those people who are maybe a little too aware of every single ingredient in their food. Those people who are in the grocery store reading food labels like novels. Yep, we’re those people. But at […]
There is Time Enough for Everything

So it’s sort of that time of year when we are normally taking an extended holiday in Europe; something that we usually start planning for after all of the excitement of Christmas and the holidays have worn off. And typically without hesitation, I have a few ideas up my sleeve about where we should travel […]
2 in 1 Travel Hair Tool

Traveling light isn’t just something that I like to do, it’s something that completely sparks joy for me. But in my opinion, traveling light isn’t about making sacrifices, it’s about finding solutions. Over the years what I’ve found makes me happiest when we travel is to limit myself to packing just my “favorites.” And by […]
Going Back

It’s like I don’t remember the City being like this. Maybe it’s because we are so removed from it all now, or maybe it’s because I had just assumed that this would have always been our normal. Everything seemed so vibrantly green. There were cherry blossoms exploding with color at every corner. There were little […]
the Smell of Grass

Last week while we were driving home from an early morning run on Coronado Island, we both rolled down the car windows to enjoy the surprisingly cool and beautiful weather. . .and immediately I caught the smell of freshly mown grass. Within an instant I was back to my childhood, running through the yard while […]
April Goals

It feels like we are officially settling into Spring here, and yikes, because we are already onto the fourth month of the New Year. . .yes, fourth. (Insert my shocked face here.) I feel like I am just finally starting to hit my stride with 2019. And yep, I get it, I am a late […]
So We’re Rock People

So apparently we’re rock people now. Yeah, you know, people who like rocks? Please feel free to laugh, because even I was hesitant to admit it. But yes, we are definitely rock people. At some point during our Death Valley National Park camping trip, during one of the many hour – long excursions to look […]
High Winds

With our car packed to the brim, we both felt excited and ready to start our drive up to Death Valley National Park. Google Maps brought us right up to the “official” park entrance, and as we looked around for a sign pointing us in the right direction towards our campground, we both realized that […]
Dad’s (Famous) Caesar Salad

For as long as I can remember, my Dad has been keeping a recipe folder. And while I’m not totally sure where he keeps it (although I would love to know), what I do know, is that it is filled with only the best. And so when my Dad says that he is going to […]