March Goals

So I started this New Year slightly differently. And how was that, you might be wondering to yourself? Well, I didn’t create my typical list of goals or resolutions for the New Year. Yes, me. . .the list queen. And I didn’t make a single one. In recent years, I have surprisingly found myself being […]

Getting Lost in Venice

We step out into the early morning sunlight, and are greeted by an invigorating and brisk whip of fresh air. The streets are still and quiet. As we hurry along, we are accompanied only by the early morning chatter of the birds, the gentle whirring of a boat passing through the canal to make bread […]

My Year Ahead

In years past, the start of the New Year has often been a time for me to reflect, review. . .and then plan, plan, plan. And while I do really love the idea of creating a list of goals for the New Year, personally, I am finding myself in a different place this year. The […]

Being A Libra

I’m a Libra.  I was born on September 25th, and I seem to find myself pretty in line with most of the Libra characteristics.  Especially the most widely, and easily recognized, balance.  A scale is the astrological sign for a Libra, representing the desire to keep balance, and yep, that’s definitely me. I love the […]

the Mistral

We had heard that it was coming.  The Mistral, that is.  But what it was, we weren’t quite sure.  From a very kind little shop owner, we had been told what we believed to be, was some sort of wind heading our way.  However, our conversation with that sweet woman was a very broken mix […]