It’s like I don’t remember the City being like this. Maybe it’s because we are so removed from it all now, or maybe it’s because I had just assumed that this would have always been our normal. Everything seemed so vibrantly green. There were cherry blossoms exploding with color at every corner. There were little […]
So We’re Rock People

So apparently we’re rock people now. Yeah, you know, people who like rocks? Please feel free to laugh, because even I was hesitant to admit it. But yes, we are definitely rock people. At some point during our Death Valley National Park camping trip, during one of the many hour – long excursions to look […]
High Winds

With our car packed to the brim, we both felt excited and ready to start our drive up to Death Valley National Park. Google Maps brought us right up to the “official” park entrance, and as we looked around for a sign pointing us in the right direction towards our campground, we both realized that […]
Getting Lost in Venice

We step out into the early morning sunlight, and are greeted by an invigorating and brisk whip of fresh air. The streets are still and quiet. As we hurry along, we are accompanied only by the early morning chatter of the birds, the gentle whirring of a boat passing through the canal to make bread […]
At Least I Was in Tuscany

My excitement to return to Florence (as always) was practically boiling over the few days before I left (which I almost can’t even believe was a few months ago at this point). I could barely contain myself just thinking about everything that I was about to do, and see, and experience. Life in Italy is truly […]
the Copley Square Hotel
Just as our plane touched down, my heart skipped a beat. That little ding, the one that alerts us that it is safe to remove our seat belts, went off and I practically leapt out of my seat. We both impatiently stood in the aisle of the airplane, wondering to ourselves what could possibly be […]
Our Not So Best Laid Plans

So we needed somewhere to fly home from. That’s really how this all started. After Provence, we needed to find our easiest route home. And believe it or not, as coincidence would have it, Paris was our ticket. But let me also be completely transparent with you. I may have been looking for pretty much […]
In Search of Lavender

Fingers crossed, we had timed our stay in Provence just late enough into June that we would be able to see the first of the lavender. During our trip research, we had read that the lavender sometimes can bloom as early as June. But since lavender, like all things nature, is dependent on seasonal changes, […]
the Mistral

We had heard that it was coming. The Mistral, that is. But what it was, we weren’t quite sure. From a very kind little shop owner, we had been told what we believed to be, was some sort of wind heading our way. However, our conversation with that sweet woman was a very broken mix […]
Blanche Fleur

To be honest, I had the most magical, fairy-tale version of what Provence would be like set in my mind for months before we ever even traveled there. And truth be told, my ideas were based completely off of assumption and fantasy. I had pictured us staying in a tiny little village, almost in the […]