The cat’s been out of the bag for a long time – we are a pizza family. We love homemade pizza, and we have no shame in our game. Pizza easily makes it’s way into our weekly dinner rotation, and some weeks we’ve even been known to have pizza more than once. Yep, we love […]
In the Kitchen with Katie
Easy Peasy Chicken Soup

If you’ve already whipped up a batch of my Homemade Chicken Stock, then making this Chicken Soup is so easy that you could practically do it in your sleep. Or with one arm tied behind your back. (Neither of which I recommend of course!) But you get the idea, it’s easy. In fact, it’s kind […]
Homemade Chicken Stock

I am equal parts following a recipe or winging it when it comes to cooking. I do love the structure of listening to someone else’s tried and true culinary advice. But I also love cooking from a feeling. And a feeling is exactly where my Homemade Chicken Stock recipe came from. It was years ago […]
Shrimp Scampi with Pasta

Some of our most favorite recipes have been born out of a lack of groceries in the house. And this Shrimp Scampi with Pasta recipe is the perfect example. It was late in the afternoon just a few months ago, and we were both equally eyeing what was in our fridge, and what time it […]
Princess Waffles

Like all of the best things in life, it is the simplicity that makes these waffles so very special. That and the memories. Because for me, Princess Waffles meant weekends, family time, cartoons, sleepy eyes, the unmistakable high-pitched screech that would come from my parents waffle iron, pajamas, gathering around the breakfast bar, and just […]
Homemade Dried Apple Peels

I am definitely one of the lucky ones, and I really can’t say it enough. Growing up my Mom was the kind of Mom who always put a homemade meal onto our dinner table. She packed our lunches, made us “puzzle” apples, and always made sure that she was filling our tummies with natural, whole […]
Dad’s Breakfast Sandwich

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again: it’s the simple things in life. And when it comes to life’s simple pleasures, my Dad’s Breakfast Sandwich really takes the cake. On our (very) long list of things that we look forward to when we go home to my parents, my Dad making us […]
Garbage Pizza

Growing up, garbage pizza was my family’s go-to pizza order. But let me explain, because no, we weren’t putting any sort of actual garbage on a pizza. Garbage pizza was simply the nickname that we had for our typical pizza order – sausage, peppers, mushrooms and onions. So why did we call it garbage pizza? […]
Dad’s (Famous) Caesar Salad

For as long as I can remember, my Dad has been keeping a recipe folder. And while I’m not totally sure where he keeps it (although I would love to know), what I do know, is that it is filled with only the best. And so when my Dad says that he is going to […]
Split Pea Soup

There is just something about eating soup during the Winter that feels so right. That whole, come in from outside and warm yourself up with a bowl of hot soup, really feels like the hallmark of Winter eating. Well, unless you live in San Diego that is, and lately your version of cold and Winter […]