My Apartment in Florence

I have been eagerly anticipating sharing this post with you guys for so many weeks now – the official reveal of my apartment in Florence.  I got to stay in the cutest little place, in a homey little neighborhood, and it really couldn’t have felt any more Italian or be more adorable than it was. […]

Istituto Il David

So aside from the fact that I love Florence, my main reason for spending 3 weeks there was so that I could take Italian language classes.  Florence is absolutely overflowing with language study opportunities, and although it can be difficult to choose, I really lucked out with finding the Istituto Il David. With one really […]

Cooking with Garga

When my husband and I first came to Italy for our honeymoon, the owner of the b&b that we were staying at recommended a nearby restaurant for a special dinner, Trattoria Garga.  Unfortunately we never ended up eating there on our honeymoon, but a few years later on a return visit, it was on the […]

Sunset in the Iris Garden

If you are lucky enough to visit Florence in the Spring when the temperatures warm up, but the tourists are still slightly at bay, then you definitely should make a point to visit the Iris Garden.  Tucked just behind the Piazza Michelangelo, this hidden gem is home to what feels like hundreds of beautiful irises. […]

Cooking in Tuscany

When traveling, taking cooking classes are one of my favorite ways to get immersed into a culture; and so as soon as we booked our tickets to Italy I knew that a cooking class was in order.  When I looked for a class to sign up for in Florence, Walkabout Florence was an easy pick […]

Lazy Sunday in Florence

I had been planning all throughout last week to visit Orvieto for the day on Sunday.  But by the time Saturday night rolled around, my still slightly bothersome jet-lag and lingering cold had the best of me.  I was pooped.  So I decided to turn off my alarm and play the day by ear. And […]

Life in Florence

It’s kind of funny, I go to Italian class every morning, and my teacher asks me what I did after class yesterday.  I usually respond with something along the lines of, “it was good…I didn’t do too much.”  And she responds, “niente di bello?”  Asking me, “nothing special?” or “nothing nice or fun?”  Well, I […]

Ciao Firenze

If you weren’t able to guess where I was headed to from my last post, the cat is officially out of the bag, I am back in Florence (sigh).  And this is probably no surprise to you, but it feels so amazing to be back.  I am a firm believer that you can never have […]

Time to Fly

If you watch my Insta Stories, then you know that I have been hinting at some upcoming travel plans.  Well…the time has come, and I am officially en route to my next adventure, and boy is this going to be quite the adventure! So where is my first stop?  Well, I am so thrilled to […]