March Goals

So I started this New Year slightly differently. And how was that, you might be wondering to yourself? Well, I didn’t create my typical list of goals or resolutions for the New Year. Yes, me. . .the list queen. And I didn’t make a single one.

In recent years, I have surprisingly found myself being criticized for all of the lists that I make. Or maybe not exactly criticized, but some people have made comments to me about my love for lists. . .that it seems like I am putting too much pressure on myself to get things done, or to accomplish things by a certain time. And even though my lists most definitely do not stress me out, the comments got to me.

I started to feel like, “hey, maybe I should be doing things differently?” And I even asked myself, “why do I feel so compelled to write things down and create lists?” Well, with bits of self-doubt looming, 2019 flew in, and I decided not to write down any New Year’s Resolutions.

And here is what I found: it just didn’t work for me. At all. You know, I write these lists, but that’s it. I rarely go back and look at them, or even think about them for that matter. I don’t feel any sort of stress, in fact, it’s really quite the opposite.

Creating these lists gives me a sense of excitement and freedom. I’m giving myself the opportunity to clearly state all of my hopes, dreams and goals to the Universe. And that’s it. Yep, that’s really it. And it works for me. Like really, really works for me.

So if lists make you happy, then read on. But if you are the kind of person that feels stressed out by a list, well, then just do what works best for you. But either way, remember this: you do you, and don’t let anyone else’s thoughts or opinions change who you are choosing to be. Because really, that’s the beauty of life. I get to be exactly whoever the heck I want to be, and I am so very grateful to be the list-loving girl that I am.

March 2019 Goals:

Resume my “normal” posting schedule here on the blog.

Work on being less fearful of new opportunities / the unkown.

Plan, plan plan – get down on paper our travels for the next 4 – 6 months.

Focus more energy on happiness and laughter.

Continue to work on my posture. (Like seriously this time.)

Just have fun with life.

4 Replies to “March Goals”

  1. Katie, I really connected to this Post. I love lists and I too write them to purge and send off to the universe. I think it’s what works for you. Me? Lists make me feel in control and I do feel a sense of achievement when I tick an item off. I keep a Bullet Journal where I add my lists in a creative way. I really like your March Goals. I am glad you are going to post more. I enjoy your Posts. You seem to have a similar direction to my own journey.

    1. I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post Mia! And I’m glad to hear that you also love keeping lists ;) Thank you so much for stopping by, and for you support!! Have a great day!

  2. Good for you for doing what’s right for you! That’s the absolute best attitude to live by!

    1. Thanks Will! I hope that you have a great week!!

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