Saturday / In some ways I am more like my Mom. And then in others, I am more like my Dad. But in this way I am completely my Mom. I without a doubt shop for our produce based off of what looks colorful, and vibrant, and beautiful. I pretty much buy what speaks to me. I like to tell Ryan that it was too beautiful to leave at the store, just like I have heard my Mom say so many times. So this week at the farmer’s market when I saw five (yes, five) different colored peppers. . .well, I immediately knew that they were all going to be coming home with me.

Sunday / It’s really the simple things in life. And so today we drove a little bit out of our way for an extra special treat. Yep, Jimmy John’s. It’s true, we are both absolutely nuts for a Jimmy John’s sub, and a bag of those crunchy salt and vinegar chips. Maybe to you it’s just a sub. But to us, it’s a dang good sub. And one that we don’t have the luxury of normally enjoying. So this was definitely an extra special treat.

Monday / My in-laws have been here in San Diego for the past few weeks, and it is always such a pleasure to have family in town. And if you know us, you know that we have been enjoying lots of doggie snuggles with their sweet Clover Grace. But also if you know us, then you know that we are completely missing that sweet puppy love now.

Tuesday / It wasn’t likely that we were going to be sitting on those beautiful peppers for too long. And tonight they met their maker. Yep, we’ve done this pizza a bunch of times lately, but honestly, it is just that good. 2 Amy’s inspired sausage, roasted pepper and fontina pizza, with our very clever and addictive addition of Mike’s Hot Honey.

Wednesday / Just in case you don’t already know, Dunkin Donuts has just released all of their Fall flavored treats. I repeat, Dunkin Donuts is now serving all things Fall!! Yes it is only August 28th, and it also basically still looks like Summer here. . .but you know what? In my book, it’s always the right time to enjoy a little pumpkin spiced goodness.

Thursday / I finally finished “the Power“ by Rhonda Byrne this week, and self-admittedly, this one took me a bit to get through. But not because the book was slow. Not at all, in fact. This was easily the best book that I have read in a long time. It really just took me so long to get through, because I was truly savoring each page. I read and reread several passages, earmarked pages and went back to them, and really pondered on a lot of Byrne’s ideas about manifestation. This is definitely a book that I will be revisiting often.

Friday / Tonight we decided to remake one of our favorite things that we ate in Calabria, Pizza Tropea. Only grown in Tropea, Italy are the beautifully sweet I.G.P. “cipolla rossa.” And for Pizza Tropea, the locals pile high those sweet and delicately flavored red onions on top of a pizza, and let them crisp and caramelize in the oven. So that’s exactly what we did. And while we unfortunately did not have any I.G.P. onions to enjoy, the simplicity of this dish is really what makes it so irresistible.
Dunkin is serving Fall stuff!? I’m going right now!
I am definitely what they would consider a regular at this point ;)