Saturday / I started out this cloudy Saturday morning in a way that I haven’t for a while now, I went for a run. And while it felt great to get out there and move my body, it also felt not so great. It’s kind of bizarre how this pandemic has thrown off some of the normalities of life. We are allowed to go outside for physical activity, but for whatever reason, it’s just felt strange to do anything but go for a walk. Life is different now, and it kind of feels like everything is moving in slow motion. (Probably much like the pace that I kept this morning.)

Sunday / This may not look like much, but believe me it is. This is the famed 7 Hour Lasagne. We had cleverly made the fresh pasta last weekend, and that honestly made the whole process feel pretty easy peasy. I told Ryan that it almost felt like it only took an hour. Which obviously we both knew was most definitely not the case. But it doesn’t matter how long it took, because it was worth it. Totally and completely worth it.

Monday / The rain is moving back in again, and so a long walk was in order. And now that I think about it, it’s kind of strange that me talking about rain in San Diego has sort of become a normal thing. For the first six or seven years that we lived here, we probably only had a handful of days with showers. But for at least the past two years now, we’ve had our fair share of rain. And honestly it’s been great! I absolutely love the feeling of being cuddled up at home during a storm.

Tuesday / I could really get used to having Ryan at home full-time. And most importantly and without question, just because I love having him around and having his company. But also, he has become quite the impressive personal assistant. This morning instead of me making him breakfast (before he would normally leave for work), he made me breakfast while I worked. And not just any breakfast, eggs benedict. Yep, I could definitely get used to this.
Wednesday / We live in a two bedroom city apartment, and I feel like we are fairly clean and organized people. So really, you wouldn’t think that we would have very many house projects to do. But here we are, almost one month into at-home isolation, and we are still chipping away at things! We don’t typically put things off, but apparently we do it more than I was aware of. Today we went through our hall closet (we took everything out, cleaned the shelves, reorganized, and let go of a few things), I organized all of my work tax receipts that I have already collected for 2020, and I also went through a big stack of papers that had been sitting in the living room waiting for me. But really, the big project is still ahead of me, the digital de-clutter. And that is most definitely the one project that I have been avoiding.
Thursday / Today’s home projects brought the cleaning of our grill (which was a major task taken on by Ryan), me going through my closet, and a few random kitchen projects that we worked on together. We had recently done a pantry reorganization, and although everything is mostly done, I am still counting down the days until the Container Store will reopen and I can run free in my happy place! Yes, that is one of the things that I am most definitely looking forward to. That, and traveling. (Which I touched on in today’s blog post.)

Friday / We had some sad family news today. And something that we knew was coming, but that we were never going to be ready for. So when we received a fresh kringle delivery from my sister and her family. . .well, it was just the sweetest little care package that completely brightened up our day. The O + H Kringle from Racine, Wisconsin is truly a delicacy, and one that will most likely not make it through the weekend!
Happy Easter weekend + Happy Passover to you all! However you might be celebrating, I hope that you find joy and laughter in the small moments, and that your heart feels a renewed sense of hope as we move forward. Peace, abundance, and blessings to you all!