Saturday / I’ve been really struck with how quiet the city has been lately. And really, it’s all because of the birds that I noticed it. In the mornings I often do a little bit of work on our sofa. And with our windows and patio doors open, I am graced with a beautiful gentle breeze, and the birds. Instead of what used to be airplanes, cars and train whistles, my mornings are now accompanied by the soft whistle of our neighborhood birds.
Sunday / Our new Sunday routine hasn’t been a difficult adjustment at all. Ryan catches a few extra winks while I lay in bed and check the news on my phone. And then just in the nick of time, we roll out of bed, and while Ryan prepares our coffees, I wash my face and brush my teeth. With not a minute to spare, we cue up the live-feed for our parish’s Sunday mass, and curl up on the sofa with our coffees. While there are a lot of things that we miss about how life used to be, we both have really fallen in love with these lazy Sunday mornings.

Monday / Remember those sticky buns that I made last Friday? Well, before the leftovers ever went the way of the dodo, I thickly sliced them up and popped them into the freezer thinking that they would make the perfect french toast. And oh boy was I right.

Tuesday / Today’s tasks were ones that I was not looking forward to. For as much as I love cooking, writing about, and talking about food. . .for whatever reason, I am not the kind of person who enjoys photographing the steps or ingredients for a recipe. And that was exactly what was on my docket for today. After I finished the final edits for my “Coronavirus + How We Can Help” blog post, it was all prep and prep bowls.

Wednesday / At this point, it’s kind of a joke that I still prepare my planner on a weekly basis, because we all know (we just being me) that I basically haven’t touched it. Nope, pretty much none of my work projects have been checked off of my to-do list since this whole quarantine thing started. But luckily (for me) there is an easy cure for unfinished work projects, chocolate chip cookies. Yep, I’m pretty sure that we’ve both eaten our weight in butter (via these cookies), and I’m also pretty sure that we’ve got no plans on stopping anytime soon!
Thursday / During this whole quarantine process, I do feel like I’ve kept a pretty positive attitude. But today in particular, I woke up just bursting with hope. I don’t know why, but it’s like I felt a shift in the universal energy. While I know that there are still a lot of challenges ahead of us, I feel it deep down in my soul that things are changing. And that has been the best feeling that I’ve had in over a month. Yes, I really believe it, things are changing!
Friday / Today we did some more boring house projects (for probably the 97th time in the past four weeks). Yes, you’ve heard me say that we are doing house projects just about every week. But really, we are. Today we pulled out everything from all of our kitchen drawers. We wiped everything out, cleaned everything, and then reorganized it all. And then we did a huge thorough dusting of our entire apartment. Nothing really new or exciting. But right now, that seems like a pretty huge blessing.
I hope that you all enjoy a safe and healthy weekend at home!
Oh wow, those cookies! Time to get more butter!
They are definitely decadent, and worth every single bit of butter!