The air is crisp and cool, and I notice the faint smell of Spring blossoms as I walk. Every other person that I pass along my way seems to either be enjoying a gelato, or a caffè. I hear the laughter of children playing, and the resonant ringing of church bells. The sun falls warmly […]
50 Questions

Roughly two years ago I wrote a blog post (Free Your Mind) about an article that I had come across. The article was a mental exercise of sorts in self-discovery – 50 questions that you are supposed to answer without hesitation. There are no right answers, and there are no wrong answers. It is simply […]
Being the Author

One of the most thought-provoking ideas that I have come across lately, is the concept that you need to be the author of your own life. I think that this is something that I have thought about in different ways for a long time, but never so clearly. Be the author of your life. Narrate […]
Project: Gallery Wall

So guys, I know that I’ve mentioned this before, but when it comes to basically doing anything in life, I am typically either full-steam ahead, or slightly dragging my feet and putting things off. I’m either super clean or sometimes (and I hate to admit this, but it’s true), happily messy. I can be perfectly […]
Spring Essentials

With Spring travels just around the corner, I’ve started to take stock of what new pieces I either need or would like to bring along with me. And the more that we travel, the more that I am able to narrow in on what works best. Think lightweight pieces, layering options, a budget-friendly hat (because […]

For whatever reason, I have recently thought several times of a dinner conversation that we had one night a few months ago at my parents’ house. We were all talking about what books we had recently read, and which ones we would suggest reading. When the question was directed at me, I was immediately animated […]
(Re)Finding Me

As a lot of you have probably noticed, I haven’t been as active with writing new blog posts or sharing new content on Instagram since the start of the New Year. Maybe you’re thinking that I’ve gotten a bad case of writer’s block, have been busy traveling, possibly have gotten really lazy or have just […]
The Truth

Here is the truth that I have been avoiding for, well, years. I have been really inconsistent with running for a long time. For some people, inconsistently consistent might be good enough in terms of exercise. But for me, knowing the reward of being consistent with running, how amazing that feels, and how much easier […]