It’s hard for me to choose favorites when it comes to holiday movies (mostly because I love them all!), but if I had to make a short list, the Holiday would definitely be on it. There’s just something about that cheesy plot of switching homes, the British accents, the Hans Zimmer score (we’re music nerds […]
In the Kitchen with Katie
Parisian Tomato Salad

The truth of the matter is, I had a pretty glamorized idea about how this was all going to go down. I mean, in my head, this recipe is really pretty simple and straightforward. So I really didn’t think that I would need that many cracks at testing this before sharing it with you guys. […]
Pumpkin Pancakes

One of the earliest memories that I have of my Mom volunteering in my school classroom, was the day that she came in to make us all Pumpkin Pancakes. In my slightly blurry memories of that day, I feel like I can almost still see her walking in – a cotton turtleneck tucked into jeans, […]

I am pretty sure that I say this with just about every recipe that I share with you, but honestly, this is one of my favorite recipes ever. And also a recipe that I would file under “Mom’s most famous.” Although I truly loved everything and anything that my Mom made for us growing up, […]

One of the most memorable meals that I had during my first stay in Montepulciano (obviously aside from literally everything that I ate), was a simple tomato bruschetta. I had just finished my Italian classes for the day, and I was wandering around town trying to figure out where to stop for lunch. I vaguely […]
Greek Potatoes

Before traveling to Greece, I don’t think that I had any clue that there was such a thing as “Greek Potatoes.” In fact, no, I definitely did not have any idea that I would come home from Greece craving their oh-so-savory Mediterranean style roasted potatoes. To our surprise, most restaurants in Greece tried to serve […]
Greek Salad

When we started planning the Greece portion of our trip, we also started to get really excited for all of the Mediterranean cuisine that we would be enjoying – especially all of the fresh fish and Greek Salad. But the funny thing about us being excited for Greek Salad is that neither one of us had ever […]
Nana’s Banana Bread

Here is why I love banana bread: it tastes like home. There are just certain things that without a doubt remind me of home and of my childhood, and banana bread is one of those things. Banana bread was something that my Mom regularly baked for our family, and it was also one of my […]
50th State Pizza

Sometimes I get ideas for a new recipe completely out of the blue. We could be lying in bed, minutes away from slumber, and then suddenly I announce, “I’m thinking about trying to make…(insert recipe here).” I have no clue where this inspiration or these ideas come from, but what I do know is that […]
Pasta with Truffle Butter

Where do I even start with this one? Well, you’re going to love it. Now, I know that I say this with just about every recipe (actually every recipe) that I share with you, but I promise that I am only sharing the créme de la créme with you – and this one really tops […]