My Mom always used to say to me that life is a balancing act. In fact, it is still something that I hear from her from time to time. And she’s spot on, because life really is a balancing act. And lately, I don’t want to say that life has been out of balance, but […]
Life Without a Planner

I am a planner, a list-maker, an organizer, and basically a write-everything-down kind of girl. And for the better part of my adult life, I have completely relied on and loved using a planner. For one it keeps me organized. And that alone is enough for me to do just about anything. But also, using […]
Taking Some Time

The truth is that I probably started out this New Year just like most of us do. . .guns blazing, big ideas, big dreams, big goals. . .you know the drill. And then probably like a good chunk of people out there, things sort of petered out before they ever really began. For whatever reason, […]