The cat’s been out of the bag for a long time – we are a pizza family. We love homemade pizza, and we have no shame in our game. Pizza easily makes it’s way into our weekly dinner rotation, and some weeks we’ve even been known to have pizza more than once. Yep, we love […]
Reflecting on Travel

the beautiful coastline of Polignano a Mare It’s officially been Summer for one week now, and believe me, I am all but reminded on the daily that we should have been returning home from a long European holiday any day this week. But instead of reluctantly packing our bags and admiring our much more golden […]
The Good Ol’ Days + Summer Essentials

Every Summer for as long as I can remember, my parents would sign us up for swim lessons at our community pool. And although I wasn’t crazy about taking the actual lessons or having to perform the final swim test, I did love being able to spend the entire day at the pool. In the […]
This Week 3 Years Ago: Nice, France

the beautiful coastline of the Côte d’Azur May 31, 2017 Today was our first full day in Nice. We arrived by train yesterday afternoon from Milan, and by the time that we had made it to our hotel and got settled, the day was mostly behind us. So being that we were in France, and […]