Saturday / just the beginning of another sunny + beautiful day Much like most people’s lives, our life has been pretty quiet lately. Really quiet in fact. But like most things in life, with time you are often able to adjust to what at first might feel challenging, different, or even uncomfortable. And for us, […]
This Week 3 Years Ago: Florence, Italy

Since our lives have been substantially more low-key lately, and our days have been filled with the same activities of mostly staying home, I thought that it would be fun to start sharing some of our “this week’s highlights” from years past. May and June are typically European travel months for us, but since we […]

I’ve recently spent some time thinking about these past few months – the highs and the lows, the successes, the missteps, the longing, and of course all of the challenges and changes. And throughout it all, my thoughts kept circling back to the word “normal.” Normal. I’ve written about it (nine times in fact) (1, […]
Quiet Days + A Lot of the Same

Saturday / I’ve been really struck with how quiet the city has been lately. And really, it’s all because of the birds that I noticed it. In the mornings I often do a little bit of work on our sofa. And with our windows and patio doors open, I am graced with a beautiful gentle […]
Coronavirus + How We Can Help

We used to be the kind of people who went to the grocery store almost everyday. We ran to Target on a whim, or stopped by Home Goods just “for fun.” But the moment that Governor Newsom issued the stay at home order for the State of California just over four weeks ago, we chose […]