So we’ve been keeping a little secret. And it is something that we feel so beyond blessed to share with you all today. In the midst of so much uncertainty in the world for the better part of this whole year now, we have had one certainty that has been a complete shining light in […]
Dreaming of Disneyland

With Governor Newsom’s latest set of guidelines for the State of California announced and officially in effect, I can’t help but struggle with some feelings of disappointment. And I’m not suggesting that I don’t agree with his guidance for the State. Because in fact I do think that a slow reopening is probably our best […]
Tips for Keeping a Positive Perspective

I’ve been reflecting more on how the news is affecting our lives. And what I’ve started to notice, is that it seems like a lot of people’s perspectives and energy has become dependent on what kind of news that they are experiencing. For example, if there is positive news, then life will most likely feel […]
Daily Joy Despite it All

The news has been daunting for the past four months. I feel this way, and I don’t even watch the news. Nope, we both solely rely on reading the news because we find it to be such a calmer experience. And even though our continued choice has definitely helped us to keep a “take everything […]