I am a planner, a list-maker, an organizer, and basically a write-everything-down kind of girl. And for the better part of my adult life, I have completely relied on and loved using a planner. For one it keeps me organized. And that alone is enough for me to do just about anything. But also, using […]
new year
Taking Some Time

The truth is that I probably started out this New Year just like most of us do. . .guns blazing, big ideas, big dreams, big goals. . .you know the drill. And then probably like a good chunk of people out there, things sort of petered out before they ever really began. For whatever reason, […]
this week’s highlights

Saturday / Maybe it’s because it has been several months since we’ve been to Europe, or maybe not. But whatever the reason is, lately I’ve been waking up craving that European lifestyle. The simplicity, the walking, the ease. Yep, pretty much every last bit of it. So in a bid to put my travel blues […]