On any given day, you can find us walking or running along the ocean. And as much as I absolutely love living so close to the water, and being able to hear the waves crash, and smell that salty air. . .sometimes you just need a little greenery in your life. And yesterday morning was […]
mental health
Tips for Keeping a Positive Perspective

I’ve been reflecting more on how the news is affecting our lives. And what I’ve started to notice, is that it seems like a lot of people’s perspectives and energy has become dependent on what kind of news that they are experiencing. For example, if there is positive news, then life will most likely feel […]
Daily Joy Despite it All

The news has been daunting for the past four months. I feel this way, and I don’t even watch the news. Nope, we both solely rely on reading the news because we find it to be such a calmer experience. And even though our continued choice has definitely helped us to keep a “take everything […]
Intentional Social Media Use

june 6, 2019 / the last time that I posted to my Instagram account It has now officially been 383 days since I wrote my last post on Instagram, sharing my (possibly temporary or possibly permanent) goodbyes. And as we all know, it wasn’t the first time that I had broken up with Instagram. As […]

I’ve recently spent some time thinking about these past few months – the highs and the lows, the successes, the missteps, the longing, and of course all of the challenges and changes. And throughout it all, my thoughts kept circling back to the word “normal.” Normal. I’ve written about it (nine times in fact) (1, […]
Life Without a Planner

I am a planner, a list-maker, an organizer, and basically a write-everything-down kind of girl. And for the better part of my adult life, I have completely relied on and loved using a planner. For one it keeps me organized. And that alone is enough for me to do just about anything. But also, using […]
Taking Some Time

The truth is that I probably started out this New Year just like most of us do. . .guns blazing, big ideas, big dreams, big goals. . .you know the drill. And then probably like a good chunk of people out there, things sort of petered out before they ever really began. For whatever reason, […]