There was not another car in sight. It was just going to be us and the trees. Immediately I let out a huge sigh of relief. I looked over at Ryan and smiled, knowing that he knew exactly what was on my mind. For us city dwellers, it feels like a small victory that we […]
forest bathing
Our Country Walks

Aside from the obvious of just spending time with my family, one of our favorite things to do when we visit my parents, is to take long walks through the beautiful countryside surrounding their home. Just simply being surrounded by exactly what I grew up with – the lush green, the endless rows of trees, […]
A Walk in the Park

On any given day, you can find us walking or running along the ocean. And as much as I absolutely love living so close to the water, and being able to hear the waves crash, and smell that salty air. . .sometimes you just need a little greenery in your life. And yesterday morning was […]