On any given day, you can find us walking or running along the ocean. And as much as I absolutely love living so close to the water, and being able to hear the waves crash, and smell that salty air. . .sometimes you just need a little greenery in your life. And yesterday morning was […]
balboa park
House Projects + Nonstop Jammies

my tomatoes and basil ready for repotting Saturday / Ryan has officially been home from work for one week now, and I think that he was really looking forward to doing nothing. But unfortunately for him, he didn’t realize that I had a whole list of things that I wanted his help with. (Sorry babe!) […]
My “Aha” Moment

sunday / the most beautiful yellow tulips from my in-laws These past few weeks have sort of had a theme for me – time and reflection. For months now, I have found myself struggling to make peace with the feeling of being busy. And as I had touched on a few weeks ago, yes, I […]