dave’s killer bread + all of the toppings
Saturday / I call this the “Everything But the Kitchen Sink Avocado Toast.” What originally started out as just a basic avocado toast (with some cream cheese and a big slice of tomato), really turned into something much, much different. Just as I was finishing making us some lunch, Ryan reminded me that if I was interested, we had just bought some smoked salmon. And I was. But since my avocado toast was basically already done, I decided to just keep piling it on. And oh man did this hit the spot. Yes, it was majorly overflowing and definitely required a knife and fork, but it was so delicious.

Sunday / Organic city garden take three. Or maybe four. But really, who’s counting at this point? If you’ve been following along, then you know that I’ve really been struggling with my garden this year. First my seeds didn’t take. Then they did. Then there was a soil problem. Then some mold, some bugs, and potentially a frost. I thought that my plants were going to take off, but they didn’t. They sat dormant for about three weeks. And so after a little investigation, I discovered that my new soil was also defunct. (Insert heavy sigh here.) So I ripped out what was left, dumped everything out, and started fresh. I’ll be damned if I don’t get to eat a tomato from my garden this year!
Monday / Does anyone else notice the photo suggestions on their cellphones? My phone pops up with little folders of pictures from “this day, one year ago. . .two years ago. . .” etc. . . And although I completely love seeing these glimpses of our most favorite memories, it really hasn’t been helping my travel lust at all. Two years ago we were on Hilton Head Island with my parents, and four years ago I was in Montepulciano drinking red wine and studying Italian.
Tuesday / Even though we would love for things to be back to “normal” for a multitude of reasons, there have definitely been some little blessings found in the midst of all of these changes. And one of those, and truly our favorite, is getting to connect with our nieces and nephews on a more regular basis. My afternoons used to be spent working, but nowadays we find ourselves playing virtual games of Guess Who?, and watching performances put on by stuffed animals. And truly, we wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Wednesday / Another day, another walk. I wish that I had something more exciting to share with you today, but as you’ve been reading and seeing, not much changes around here. Since our days are really spent entirely at home, the little bit of sunshine on our walks is truly the highlight of our day. And one that I definitely will never take for granted again.

Thursday / The hubby’s birthday is just around the corner, and so I planned to do our big grocery haul today so that I could pick up a few things for him. And since the grocery stores have been pretty hit or miss lately, I was prepared to be flexible. But luckily I hit the jackpot. All the way down to the lilacs that I try to get for him every year. My mother-in-law had shared with me that she always thinks of lilacs around Ryan’s birthday, because my father-in-law had brought her the first lilacs of the season just after he was born. And so just like clockwork, the lilacs seem to pop up just in time for me to carry on the tradition.

Friday / Okay. . .truth be told, there were a few things that I could not find at the store yesterday, nor a creative replacement for. So not ideal, but we swung by the grocery store again today. And since we were there, we decided to pick up a few extra things, including the ingredients to make some homemade sushi tonight. On a whim we decided to try and recreate Sugarfish at home, and honestly, it was a slam dunk. My only complaint is that our waiter forgot to bring us our edamame. (Only joking of course!)
Good luck with your garden boxes, they look beautiful! You’ve inspired me to purchase some flowers to plant by the front door!
Thanks Dana, I definitely need all of the luck that I can get! I hope that you enjoy your flowers!!
I’ve never even thought to try making sushi at home, because I don’t know where to begin with buying raw fish for sushi. How did you do it?
Believe it or not, it was actually pretty simple, which was honestly surprising to us! We found a “sushi rice” recipe online, and then we added cucumber, avocado, and some lump crab that we had shredded and mixed with some mayo. We basically were taking inspiration from one of our favorite sushi restaurants, Sugarfish, in Los Angeles. We also don’t feel ready to try anything with raw fish yet, but there are tons of great options for cooked fish out there. I’d be happy to share how we put this all together in a blog post if you are interested!
That sounds absolutely delicious, I’d love to read about it in a post! That’s so clever to just use crab, I would never have thought of that even though I eat something with crab in it almost every time I get sushi!
Perfect, I’ll add it to my list for an upcoming blog post! I’m so glad that you liked our ideas!!