I can’t deny it, I’ve got the itch. Bad. I know that this might sound kind of crazy because it feels like we practically just got home from our big trip to Europe (where in total I spent 5 weeks in Italy), but I’ve got the itch to go back to Italy and I can […]

I don’t know what it is about putting my pajamas on, but truth be told, once I have changed from day clothes to night clothes, there is really no hope for me to feel motivated to leave our apartment. There is just something about changing into my comfy clothes and snuggly socks, and I am […]
Back to School

I don’t know what it is about the back to school time of year that gets me so excited, (especially because I’m not even in school anymore) but I just absolutely love it. When I was a kid, I think that my excitement was generally over getting to pick out a new outfit or backpack, […]

Last Thursday after we enjoyed an early morning beach walk and brunch at our favorite Coronado spot, Clayton’s Coffee Shop, we drove out to Lake Jennings to go camping for the night as a little anniversary getaway. We arrived to find our campsite perched high above the Lake with beautiful views in every direction, and […]
Dear Ryan

Yesterday we celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary, and I feel so blessed to be more in love with you today than any day before. When we met in college, I had absolutely no clue what love was, how it felt or how it could completely change my life. But it happened, and you changed […]
Greek Salad

When we started planning the Greece portion of our trip, we also started to get really excited for all of the Mediterranean cuisine that we would be enjoying – especially all of the fresh fish and Greek Salad. But the funny thing about us being excited for Greek Salad is that neither one of us had ever […]
Nana’s Banana Bread

Here is why I love banana bread: it tastes like home. There are just certain things that without a doubt remind me of home and of my childhood, and banana bread is one of those things. Banana bread was something that my Mom regularly baked for our family, and it was also one of my […]
Where You’ll Find My Heart

Do you have a place somewhere in the world that is like no other? A place where you could endlessly go to for vacation? A place that every time you see a picture of, your heart completely melts into a puddle? A place that when you think about, you can’t help but smile? For me […]
Ice Cream for Dinner

There are certain childhood memories that seem to be seared into my memory like they just happened yesterday – family dance parties to the Glenn Miller Band, foot baths in the sink from my Dad, my Mom’s artistic creativity lent to my school projects, and birthdays with Grammy Joy. Whenever Grammy was taking care of […]
10 Months

You guys all know that I am a firm believer in saying out loud what you want for your life (something that my Mom has always encouraged us to do). It is such a simple idea to say aloud a dream or hope or idea, but it is truly the easiest way to create the […]