

noun // grat·i·tude // gra-te-tüd

: a feeling of appreciation or thanks


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I hope that today finds you surrounded by loved ones, sharing happy memories while creating new ones, and simply having a heart filled with gratitude.

As I have shared before, it is a family tradition to share what we are grateful for right before we dig into our heaping plates of turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing and whatever other divinity my Mom has whipped up.


On this beautiful Thanksgiving day, my heart is filled with gratitude because…

        …I am filled with faith.

        …I feel more connected to and loved by my husband everyday.

        …I have wonderfully supportive and loving family and friends.

        …I find something to laugh at everyday.

        …I smile from the inside out.

        …everyday brings new and exciting opportunities.

What is filling your heart with gratitude this Thanksgiving?  I hope that you can all find something to be grateful for, and let that bring peace and happiness into your lives.  Sending you all the warmest wishes for a beautiful Thanksgiving!

3 Replies to “Gratitude”

  1. I’m filled with gratitude for my beautiful wife, my wonderful family, and for the opportunity for us all to be together on this blessed day! Thank you for your beautiful post, Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks Katie – a beautiful sentiment. Expressing gratitude for all that we have – including the challenges – is a wonderful demonstration of faith.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment James!

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