Terrifically 2

No terrible two’s around here, just terrifically two!  Today La Mia Bella Vita turns 2!  I can’t hardly believe that two years have passed by since I first started secretly blogging ( yep, I didn’t tell anyone for a good 6 or more months). #fb with our sweet pup Chelsea – I am around 2 […]

Fall Fun

Happy Fall everyone!  Today is the First Day of Autumn, and as I’ve mentioned before, Fall is one of my favorite times of year (and probably my favorite season).  Although the leaves may not change color or have that sweet smell in San Diego, the air changes and becomes a little cooler, and the stores […]

On My Bookshelf

It has been a few months since I’ve mentioned any reading going on, and although I have neglected my bookshelf a little bit (I blame it on the traveling), I’ve finally dusted off my current reads and am happy to say, I am back at it.  Yes, remember me talking about my reading style here?  […]


It’s hard to believe that in just a few short weeks we will officially be in Fall.  The days are getting shorter, the air is starting to change and the fashions are definitely transitioning. Living in San Diego, I never need to officially change over my closet like I used to when we lived on […]


Today is a very special day.  9 years ago today, I married the man of my dreams.  I can’t hardly believe that it has already been 9 years since we tied the knot, and almost 14 years since we first met.  Time has flown by way too fast. It’s amazing how love changes you, and […]

Free Your Mind

A few weeks ago I heard about an article titled “50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind.”  I instantly became intrigued with just the title alone, so I Googled it and found myself fixated on my computer screen, reading through all of the questions and answering them to myself.  The second I finished, I called […]


My Mom has been participating in the Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra Meditation series for some time now.  She forwards us all a reminder email with a sweet note encouraging us to join in and feel the positive effects of meditation and mindfulness.  Well, I’ve been a bit of a naughty daughter up until now […]