I’m a Libra. I was born on September 25th, and I seem to find myself pretty in line with most of the Libra characteristics. Especially the most widely, and easily recognized, balance. A scale is the astrological sign for a Libra, representing the desire to keep balance, and yep, that’s definitely me.
I love the feeling of having everything in order around the house, in my personal life, and in my work life. I think that I am definitely the best version of myself when I feel a sense of order and balance.
But if you’ve been following along, then you know that I’ve expressed several times in this past year that I have been struggling with the feeling of unrest. And to be honest, this unsettled feeling has really been throwing me for a loop.
I think that Ryan and I are in a season of change. We’ve talked about moving (at length). And then we talk about staying in San Diego. I’ve wanted more for myself professionally. But then I am also reminded how blessed we are to have so much flexibility in our schedules. We feel like we want to travel more. And then we want to just stay home and do nothing. We want a dog. But we also want to keep traveling. I am guessing that you are starting to get the picture here.
We’ve been very blessed in life, and really have been able to easily plan out our lives together. And, I’ve always felt (for the most part) in control. But now, and really for awhile, I don’t. I don’t feel that same sense of control. And I haven’t really felt that same sense of balance or inner peace that I normally do.
So while talking with my parents about life a few days ago, my Dad very wisely reminded me, “there is joy in the not knowing.” And for as much as I wanted to whine and say, “noooo,” and just cling on to what I do know, and what I do feel in control of. . .I knew that he was right.
So here’s to turning over a new leaf as a Libra. Yes, I still desperately want that balance, and I am definitely still seeking it. But, I am also realizing that I need to let go. I need to let God. I need to be okay with not knowing everything. And most importantly, I need to just let in the joy of the unknown.
That’s a really wonderful attitude you have, and definitely an inspiration for me!
Awww, thanks Emma! Well, it’s not so easy for me, but it’s a starting point :)