Were the leaves always this beautiful I wondered to myself? It almost felt like I had never seen such an explosion of color before. And when I flipped back through my camera roll, I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I remember the leaves from my childhood just like it was yesterday, but somehow Fall seemed to be putting on quite the show for us. As my sister-in-law, her girls and I left to take their sweet pup Dash for his morning walk, I couldn’t help but feel amazed at what lay ahead of us. It was truly a Fall wonderland.

I got lucky. Really lucky in fact. I normally visit Boston in the Fall, but typically somewhere around the second week of October. But for different reasons it got pushed back a little bit this year. And as I was scouring the internet for updates on the Fall foliage the weeks leading up to my trip, the anxiety was starting to settle in. It seemed like the foliage guides were already showing full bloom during the second week of October, and the same was being seen across social media. Would the leaves last? Would I get to enjoy the colors, and the smells, and all of those Fall feelings? Well yes. Yes to everything and then some.

I felt like a kid again, kicking my rain boots through the fluffy and crunchy carpet of freshly fallen leaves. The sound – that crisp crunch and swish – was something that I remembered from when I was a kid jumping through piles of freshly raked leaves. But something that I haven’t enjoyed for quite some time. And that smell, that warm, cozy, comforting and sweet smell. There is truly nothing like it. And the sun. It peaked its way through all of the leaves, blanketing everything in the most golden sunshine. Fall is magic in my book. And our walk was nothing short of a slice of heaven, and our own little Fall wonderland.

Those pictures are just unreal! Beautiful photography!
Oh my goodness, thank you Emma. That is so very kind of you to say!