Saturday / Each day that I go out for one more run, I think to myself, “okay, today might be the day. . .this might be my last run for this pregnancy. . .” Already I’ve run into my pregnancy far longer than I anticipated to, and surprisingly today felt the best that it had […]
A Special Treat + the Small Things

Probably similar to most all of us right now, the days still seem to blend into the weeks, and even into the months. Have we really been in this pandemic and this quarantine lifestyle for almost six months now? Sadly we have been. Life is definitely still very different. Our weeks are far quieter than […]
Rain Showers, Organizing + Still Adjusting

Saturday / I started out this cloudy Saturday morning in a way that I haven’t for a while now, I went for a run. And while it felt great to get out there and move my body, it also felt not so great. It’s kind of bizarre how this pandemic has thrown off some of […]
this week’s highlights

Saturday / It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and we plan on holding onto this feeling (and our Christmas tree) for as long as possible. While I do normally lean towards neat and tidy, there is one thing that I really don’t like to clean up until it feels like I absolutely have […]