the most beautiful field of corn along our morning walk Saturday / Our days at home have mostly all been variations of the same. Long walks or runs in the morning, followed by endless games of Hand and Foot, way too much food, and always lots of Kopps custard. Today was no exception, except for […]
The Mr.’s Birthday, Long Walks + Longing for Italy

the perfect gloomy backdrop for a morning spent in the kitchen Saturday / Today was a big kitchen day. Tomorrow is Ryan’s birthday, and so I wanted to make sure to get as much of the cooking done today so that tomorrow we could just relax and celebrate together. It’s a little bit harder to […]
Same Same, Different Week

dave’s killer bread + all of the toppings Saturday / I call this the “Everything But the Kitchen Sink Avocado Toast.” What originally started out as just a basic avocado toast (with some cream cheese and a big slice of tomato), really turned into something much, much different. Just as I was finishing making us […]