Saturday / Each day that I go out for one more run, I think to myself, “okay, today might be the day. . .this might be my last run for this pregnancy. . .” Already I’ve run into my pregnancy far longer than I anticipated to, and surprisingly today felt the best that it had […]
The Story of How We Found Out

I had been feeling a little bit “off” for a couple of weeks. But honestly, neither one of us wanted to put the cart before the horse, so we were trying not to read too much into it. But then there was the one Sunday when I suddenly was hit with all sorts of cramping, […]
St. Nick Stockings + Getting Ready for Baby

Saturday / Our days have felt especially blurred together these past few weeks and months. Partially I’m sure because of this new pandemic life where we mostly spend all of our time at home. And partially also with being pregnant, and finding my baby prep to-do list only increasing most days. There have been plenty […]
Down the Nesting Rabbit Hole

So it has been nearly three weeks since my last blog post went live, and honestly, these past few weeks have sort of been a complete blur. And also, I can’t quite believe that it has already been three weeks since I last posted. Like three weeks? Really? Where the heck did the time go? […]
Our Little Surprise

So we’ve been keeping a little secret. And it is something that we feel so beyond blessed to share with you all today. In the midst of so much uncertainty in the world for the better part of this whole year now, we have had one certainty that has been a complete shining light in […]