Saturday / Our days have felt especially blurred together these past few weeks and months. Partially I’m sure because of this new pandemic life where we mostly spend all of our time at home. And partially also with being pregnant, and finding my baby prep to-do list only increasing most days. There have been plenty of things that have fallen by the wayside these past few months. But there are also a few things that we have stayed anchored to, and that have given us a wonderful sense of normalcy. One of those being our daily walk or run. For us, Saturdays are always a waterfront run followed by the farmers’ market. And honestly, the fresh ocean air and this view of the bay is something that I look forward to all week long.

Sunday / St. Nick came! St. Nick came! Today is the feast of St. Nicholas, and it is a joyous day that my family has always celebrated. The night before, we all fight over what looks to be the largest ski sock, and then we carefully lay them out at the fireplace, in hopes that St. Nick will fill them while we are sleeping. And he did! St. Nick has always been so good to us, but this year he even brought us some exotic fruits, and a cherry kringle from O&H!

Monday / We went and picked out our Christmas tree on Friday afternoon. But beyond that, all we’ve done so far has been to put her (yes, for some reason my husband believes that she is a she this year) in her brand new tree stand (which said husband is rather pleased and excited about), water her, and partially decorate her. So today is our finish trimming the tree day. Oh, and vacuum up the needles day. (Which have clearly also gone left unattended to.)

Tuesday / Tomorrow we start our hypnobirthing class, and so aside from an early morning walk, today we just spent a good chunk of our time doing the pre-class preparation – reading, deep breathing and visualizing. I think that there is definitely more work involved than we were both imagining, but the positive birth experience will be so very worth it.

Wednesday / As I touched on in my Instagram post today, I sort of felt like we both needed a little pick-me-up. As of this past Sunday night, we are under new emergency stay-at-home orders in the state of California. And honestly, even though I do consider myself to be quite the optimist and glass half full kind of girl, this is all starting to feel rather daunting and discouraging. So I woke up determined to start our day off on the right foot. We turned on our Christmas lights, cranked up the Christmas music, and I whipped up a batch of French toast. It felt festive and fun, and that was exactly what we needed.

Thursday + Friday / Do you ever have those days where you were busy all day, but when someone asks you what you did, you can’t even seem to totally remember everything? Well, that was sort of Thursday and Friday for us this week. There was a mix of errands, Christmas shopping, baby prep, long baths, video and phone calls with family, cooking, takeout, bingeing the Hallmark Channel, and who knows what else. We had a great end to our week, but as always, we somehow already seem to be looking forward to the break of the weekend.
I love ❤️ to see these pics of your house and life! I’m so excited for you guys with the baby!! Have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Awwww, thank you SO much Dana, you are seriously the sweetest!! I hope that you have the best holiday season too!!