It’s true, I love nature and I love the great outdoors. Like really love it. I love going out for some fresh air, feeling the warm sun, a cool breeze, or even the first snowfall of the season. I love the beach and the sand, the water, tall grass, wildflowers and the forest. I really and truly love it all. But as we hiked the Inner Basin Trail in Flagstaff last weekend, there were two conclusions about nature that I had personally reached that I shared with Ryan.

The first thing, is that I really don’t like hiking. Nope, not one bit. For as much as I love to do just about any outdoor activity, hiking just really doesn’t do it for me. In fact, it doesn’t just not do it for me, it kind or rubs me the wrong way. Those rough trails and steep inclines, the loose dirt and gravel. . .the whole needing to watch my step the entire time. Yep, definitely not for me. I feel like I end up missing out on so much of the enjoyment of the natural beauty because my head is down watching my each and every step.
And even though we pause to take it all in and to even take some (or a lot of) pictures, I just feel like I have a hard time really stopping to enjoy the moment. Because by that point of the hike, I am typically feeling frustrated by the fact that I am even on a hike. So yeah, even though the payoff is often quite breathtaking and beautiful, hiking just isn’t my cup of tea.

And then there’s the next thing. And although I have mentioned this a few times before, it has yet to stick. But I do think that this is it. I think that I am either done with camping forever, or I would need a very (very) long break before we plan our next trip. And honestly, this one feels a little surprising for me to say because we have absolutely loved camping. Really and truly embraced and loved it. But here’s the thing – even when the camping Gods are on your side, camping is a lot of work. And so considering that the camping Gods have most definitely not been on our side for our past several trips now, and we now have a baby on the way. . .well, we’re both feeling pretty burned out by the whole idea of ever camping again.

Maybe it’s an ages and stages thing, but maybe it’s not. Maybe someday I will decide that I absolutely love hiking, or that I couldn’t imagine life without one more camping trip. But maybe not. Either way, that is the beauty of life. I get to choose and create exactly the life that I dream of. And right now, that’s a life with sidewalks, our cozy bed and hot showers.
You should write the great American novel, you have a real talent as an author!
In the meantime, buy some hiking poles, that will alleviate a lot of the problems that you are having negotiating those trails, just a thought…All the serious hikers are using hiking poles now, it saves energy and gives you a full body workout, arms and legs!
Oh my goodness, thank you so much for your kind words Nick! Wow, I’m blushing and completely flattered :)
And hiking poles are a GREAT idea! That is definitely something for us to try out, thank you!!