Blooms Around the Block

Spring has sprung here in San Diego!  And I already know what you’re thinking, don’t we always have flowers and Spring-y weather?  Well, mostly, but we do have seasonal flowers and plants just like any other climate.  So when Spring rolls in, I am always excited for the explosion of colors, especially on the trees.  And truth be told, there is one tree in San Diego that really gets me excited, the Jacaranda.  It is so beautiful, an explosion of purple flowers erupt from a seemingly non-blooming tree.







These purple beauties line most of the streets in San Diego, so when they bloom, it is so beautiful.  And when the wind blows, their purple buds float through the sky making the whole city feel just a little bit magical.

4 Replies to “Blooms Around the Block”

  1. So beautiful! I really love this post, I always enjoy stopping by your blog. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks so much, you’re so sweet! Hope that you are having a great day too!

    1. Thank you!

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