April Goals

It feels like we are officially settling into Spring here, and yikes, because we are already onto the fourth month of the New Year. . .yes, fourth. (Insert my shocked face here.) I feel like I am just finally starting to hit my stride with 2019. And yep, I get it, I am a late bloomer this year. But hey, better late than never, right?

I’ve been getting closer and closer back to the posting schedule for the blog that I like, I’ve recently made amends with Instagram, our travel plans are mostly laid out for the next 5 months or so, and I am kicking my weekly planner’s boo-tay. So April, let’s do this. . .

Manifest. Manifest. Manifest.

Make both my mental and physical health more of a priority.

Drink more water, and more consistently throughout the day.

Pretend that I am living in Europe, and try to (basically) walk everywhere.

Better organize our errands and plan ahead with groceries.

Choose more intent with Social Media – mindful screen time > mindless.

Work on our home decorating projects.

Continue working on my posture – especially while on the sofa.

March 2019 Goals Recap:

Resume my “normal” posting schedule here on the blog.

Work on being less fearful of new opportunities / the unkown.

Plan, plan plan – get down on paper our travels for the next 4 – 6 months.

Focus more energy on happiness and laughter.

Continue to work on my posture. (Like seriously this time.) – To be honest, I really don’t think that I thought about this more than once in the past few weeks. Whoops.

Just have fun with life – Although I definitely have fun everyday, this is something that I want to be even more mindful of – a.k.a., don’t sweat the small stuff.

Do you have any goals set for this new month? And how do you organize your goals? Weekly? Monthly? Yearly? I’d love to get some goal – getting inspiration from you guys!!

2 Replies to “April Goals”

  1. The way you organize your goals is such an inspiration!

    1. Oh my goodness, thank you so much Linda! That is so sweet of you to say!

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